Network Rail seeks contractor for Forth Bridge Experience hub


Network Rail seeks contractor for Forth Bridge Experience hub

Potential partners are being encouraged to submit their interest before Network Rail shortlists firms to tender for the project later in the summer.


A main contractor is expected to be appointed by the end of 2022, with work on-site beginning in 2023.


A Prior Information Notice (PIN) has been issued for the project and the supply chain is being invited to a virtual pre-market engagement event ahead for the start of the formal procurement exercise.


The event will take place via Microsoft Teams at 14.00 on 5 April 2022 and the PIN can be found here: Forth Bridge Walk Experience Off Bridge Design & Build – Find a Tender (


Revised proposals for the Forth Bridge Experience were submitted to City of Edinburgh Council earlier this year.


Network Rail plans to create a new hub at the iconic bridge where the public will be able to access the world-famous structure and explore its heritage as well as the outstanding views from 367 ft (110m) above sea level.


The project will see construction of a reception centre and car park on the south side of the UNESCO World Heritage site, both delivered off the operational railway.


The hub will be used for preparing those heading out on the bridge walk as well as providing an access point to the structure.


Gerry McQuade, Network Rail Scotland programme manager, said: “The reception hub is the staging post for our bridge walk experience which will offer the public a unique chance to explore this world-famous structure.


“This will be a challenging and exciting project for any company to work on and we look forward to working with the wider construction industry to develop a shortlist to tender.”


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