Oil & Gas Jobs
Anglo.com delivers the latest oil and gas vacancies to engineers in the UK and internationally. Leading employers advertise their jobs with us seeking qualified industry experts across the full life cycle of oil and gas including exploration, production and subsea engineering, extraction, pumping, transport to refinery, on-shore & offshore platforms and plant & materials, petrochemical and LNG, covering conventional and unconventional resources and field development, design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance.
Technical Recruitment for Oil and Gas Vacancies
As well as offering services to direct employers via our job board, Anglo also offers recruitment consultancy services for clients who require a helping hand with hard-to-fill oil and gas vacancies. We have a specialist oil and gas team whose unrivaled expertise in the sector spans a range of engineering jobs including asset management, business development and sales, geosciences, engineering (mechanical and process), project engineering and project management, operations management, maintenance, health and safety and quality assurance. See more at https://www.anglo.com/recruitment-division.
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